

Meal Plan October 8-14: Raw & Fermented foods at Every Meal!

Delicious Soaked Oatmeal

I've been getting more intentional (again) about incorporating raw and fermented foods into our meals. The enzymes and probiotics help you digest, and probiotics are awesome for your immune system. In fact, tomorrow over at Modern Alternative Kitchen, you can catch me talking about the benefits of eating raw and fermented foods, but also about how those who think that's all we should eat might have it wrong.

But the thing is...

I'm kinda over salads right now. Life is too busy to wash lettuce and make dressing. And after a summer full of salads, I'm ready for comforting soup and bread warm from the oven. Cold lettuce just isn't doin' it for me.

So instead of turning to salad for the enzymatic part of my meal, I'm turning to things like water kefir, kombucha, plain whole milk yogurt, cultured sour cream, Bubbies pickles, sliced avocado, fresh fruit like apples and pears, or juices from the Vitamix (they are not really juices because the Vitamix blends whole fruits and vegetables into drinkable form, but if you add some water and ice it's very refreshing!)

I'll put them in bold in this week's meal plan so you can how we incorporate these foods into every meal!

Rodriguez Family Meal Plan October 8-14

Monday [soup/stew]
Breakfast: French Toast made with Honey-Oatmeal Bread, butter, maple syrup, fresh fruit, raw milk
Lunch: Open face tuna melts on Honey-Oatmeal Bread (make extra tuna for tomorrow's lunch), strawberry lemonade kombucha
Dinner: Zucchini Garden Chowder from Simply in Season, cherry lemon water kefir

Tuesday [leftovers]
Breakfast: Soaked oatmeal with butter & maple syrup, raw milk
Lunch: Tuna melts, strawberry lemonade kombucha
Dinner: Leftover Soup, cherry lemon water kefir

Wednesday [pasta/pizza]
Breakfast: Leftover oatmeal, raw milk
Lunch: Grilled cheese and soup from the freezer (we'll see what I can dig out of there!), Bubbies pickles
Dinner: Pizza (crust from Real Fast Food) with sausage from our local butcher, mushrooms, olives, garlic, and onion (and cheese and sauce of course), cherry lemon water kefir

Thursday [meat+vegetables]
Breakfast: Breakfast Burritos, pineapple kombucha Lunch: Leftover pizza, cherry lemon water kefir
Dinner: Mexican Chicken Skillet (just beans, rice, chicken, corn, tomatoes, and seasonings in a skillet. Easy and yummy!) Tortilla chips, sour cream, avocado

Friday [slow cooker]
Breakfast: Eggs fried in coconut oil & toast with butter, pineapple kombucha
Lunch: Leftover Mexican Chicken Skillet
Dinner: Moroccan Lentil Soup with a dollop of plain, whole milk organic yogurt

Saturday [leftovers]
Breakfast: Yogurt, homemade soaked granola, hard boiled eggs
Lunch: Leftover Soup with yogurt
Dinner: Leftovers - if there aren't any, find something in the freezer, cherry lemon water kefir
Sunday  [breakfast for dinner]
Breakfast: Smoothie, Sprouted Bagel with cultured Cream Cheese
Lunch: Quesadillas with some beans from the freezer, avocado, sour cream
Dinner: Blender Waffles (from Real Fast Food), homemade chicken sausage (recipe coming soon, I hope), Strawberry Kombucha Freeze (kombucha, strawberries, and ice in the Vitamix)
**I'm sharing this at Menu Plan Monday and Meal Plan Link-Up @ Modern Alternative Kitchen! Check them out for some great meal planning resources!**

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  1. Joanna! I think Meal Planning is (finally) (once again) in our future. :) Thanks for the tips & ideas! I think like the 'theme days' for help to structure the week. Miss you guys.

  2. Stopping by for a blog visit from Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday today!
    I love this time of year when the temps have cooled down to something liveable in Las Vegas!
    When I opened our coat closet I didn't get hit with a blast of heat today. Now that's much better.
    I'll be on the lookout for soup recipes to add to my recipe file box.
