

Easy Change #10: Just Say No to Coffeemate

This is part of my Easy Changes Series. If you want to take baby steps toward better health, check them out here!


The title of this post is not: "Easy Change #10: Just Say No to Coffee."

Sometimes I'm tempted to write Easy Change posts that are not actually easy. So I'm not asking you to ditch coffee, even though I lean in the direction of believing it's not great for you. After all, I'm still drinking it, so I'm not gonna ask you to stop!

But I am asking you to ditch the fakey-fake creamer. Here's how.

How to Ditch Your Fake Creamer

Step 1. Read the ingredients.
Do you know what is in your coffee creamer? Read the label to find out, and then see how you feel about it. Do you feel good about putting that in your body?

Step 2. Throw it away. 
I'm not a fan of throwing away food...but this is not food. So just do it. Toss it. You'll feel better afterwards, I promise.

Step 3. Replace it with one of these alternatives.
  • Good: Half & half or whole milk
  • Better: Organic Half & half or whole milk
  • Best: Unhomogenized cream or milk (that's the kind where the cream rises to the top)
  • Best of the Best: Grass-fed raw cream, skimmed off the top of your raw milk

Step 4. Sweeten if needed with a healthier sweetener.
If you're used to sweetened creamers, I'm sure you'll want to sweeten your coffee a bit. Try one of these alternatives:
  • Sucanat (unrefined sugar)
  • Raw Honey
  • Real Maple Syrup

Where can you find these healthy sweeteners?
If you have a local farmers market, that's a great place to look for honey and maple syrup. You can also buy them directly from farmers. Try doing a search on Local Harvest to find some in your area! Or just get the best you can find at your local grocery store or health food store.

Sucanat can be found at a health food store or ordered online. I get mine from Country Life Natural Foods, which has the best price I've found. It's a great resource if you're in West Michigan!

You can also add a little less sweetener every day to train your taste buds to like it less sweet.

Are you a coffee drinker? What do you put in your coffee?

This is part of: Real Food Wednesday, Whole Foods Wednesday, Healthy2Day Wednesday, Fight Back Friday, Natural Living Monday

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.

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  1. I like my coffee black, but my husband alternates between raw milk and coconut oil. He uses either liquid stevia or coconut sugar. I know some people feel liquid stevia isn't 'real' but I think it is a great transition sweetener. He used to use Sweet n low!

  2. My mother in law used coffee mate - the powdered stuff before they made the liquid. My husband and his brother, as kids would throw pinches of it onto the top of the woodstove (sounds like another century!) and watch it ignite. Yeah, I want to consume that.

  3. I am addicted to coffee mate, but when I just recently realized it will last for YEARS in the fridge, I figured I better read the label. Blech! Love your suggestions. I would love for you to share at my Blog Fest:

    1. Lisa - exactly! Scary stuff! Hope you find a tasty alternative. :) I'll check out your link!

  4. Joanna, this is the first time I am checking out this series, it is great! Love the Good, Better, Best, etc. That is so helpful for people in the beginning of their real food journey!

    And thank you so much for linking up with Healthy 2day Wednesdays as always! Hope you have a blessed week and hope you’ll be linking up this week!

    1. Thank you Rachel! I hope that it is encouraging to those who are discouraged and don't know where to start!

  5. Thanks for sharing with Natural Living Monday Joanna! I hope you share another great idea this Monday! I normaly use raw milk or coconut milk with a little maple syrup or raw honey. I think I need to go make a cup of coffee......

    1. Katie- yum! Too bad I gave up coffee recently in hopes that it would help my baby sleep better...I steal a few sips of my husband's sometimes, though. :)
