

French Onion Quesadillas

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French Onion Quesadilla on a Sourdough Tortilla
I'm sometimes skeptical when I come across a dish that is posing as something else. You know what I'm talking about: "Taco Pizza." "BLT Salad." "Baked Potato Soup." "Pot Pie Chicken Salad." I usually say that I'd rather just eat the food that it's trying to be. But these quesadillas are a blessed exception to that rule. Clearly, they are not authentic in any way. But man are they good. And they make a stinkin' easy lunch.

Note: I'm not including quantities because this recipe is easily adapted to suit your needs. I used two onions and had more than enough for two adults and a toddler for lunch.

French Onion Quesadillas

Olive oil an butter for cooking onions
Onions, thinly sliced 
A splash of chicken broth (how about a cube?)
Salt, pepper, and fresh or tried thyme to taste
Swiss or Gruyere cheese, sliced or shredded
Whole wheat Flour tortillas, homemade soaked or sourdough, or store bought with clean ingredients, preferably sprouted

1. Caramelize the onions. Heat a bit of oil and butter in a skillet. Add the onions and cook on medium-low heat, stirring occasionally. Add a few pinches of salt, a few grinds of pepper, and some fresh or dried thyme. When they start to dry out add a splash of broth. Keep cooking for about 30 minutes, adding broth as needed, until they are a rich brown color. Keep the heat low enough that they don't burn. (Or do it in the slow cooker!!)

2. Make the quesadillas.  Heat a stainless steel or cast iron skillet on medium-low heat. Top a tortilla with generous amounts of cheese and onions, and cover with another tortilla. 

3. Cook the quesadillas. Place the tortilla sandwich in the skillet, cover, and cook until the cheese is melted and the tortilla is slightly browned. Flip and cook on the other side briefly.

4. Serve. Transfer to a plate and use a kitchen shears to cut into triangles. Serve with sour cream.

The dollop of sour cream is very important.

What's your favorite way to make a quesadilla? And how do you feel about foods posing as other foods?

This is part of: Simple Lives Thursday, Pennywise Platter Thursday, Eat Make Grow, Real Food Wednesday, Meatless Mondays, Simple Meals Friday


  1. I love anything with caramelized onions! Recently I made some pickled red onions and I love them. They have a little bit of sugar with the red wine vinegar and so they can be used in place of caramelized onions on things like sandwiches. I bet they would also be delicious in a quesadilla! I better try that!

    BTW - Thanks for participating in the Eat Make Grow blog hop. Round three just went up this morning:

  2. Yum, I never made this kind of quesadilla before! I will have to try it, thanks for linking up at Meatless Monday :)

  3. Great idea, what a fun twist on quesadillas! Thanks for sharing with Simple Meals Friday!
