

Pregnancy Food Diary: 30 Weeks

Welcome back to my pregnancy food diary!

I've been slacking. I didn't write down what I ate last week. It wasn't terrible, but I think I definitely slacked on the protein and vegetables. We've been a bit overwhelmed at our house lately, and the hormones surging through my body are making me very emotional and very tired. I'm trying to stop every once in awhile are marvel at the amazing thing going on inside my body. I'm growing a baby! It still baffles me, as well it should.

So, while it's fresh on my mind and before I go get a (hopefully) good night of sleep, here's what I ate today.

Food Diary for Monday, March 5

Breakfast: One of these "armadillo treats" (scroll down to find the recipe). two eggs scrambled in coconut oil, one Applegate Farms sausage link, two sourdough blueberry pancakes with butter and real maple syrup, kombucha. Later, half a cup of half-caff coffee with cream and honey. (We had a little family date at a coffee shop. It was delightful and much needed quality time together!)

Lunch: Fried rice: soaked brown rice with egg, carrot, peas, mixed greens, scallions, and garlic, topped with Tamari and Peanut Sauce. More kombucha.

Dinner: Tuna salad sandwich on soaked honey oatmeal bread (tuna, homemade mayo, yogurt, mustard, celery, scallions, parsley, and lemon juice).

Snack: The rest of my tuna sandwich (didn't have time to finish it earlier) with avocado. Half a grapefruit. Pregnancy tea.

Another snack: A piece of toast with butter, a glass of milk, and another armadillo treat.

How did I do? (recommended amounts in parentheses)
Protein: 3.5 (4)
Eggs: 3 (2)
Dairy: 1.5 (4) 
Butter: 3 (3)
Whole Grains: 4 (2)
Refined Grains: 0 (0)
Veggies: 2 (3-4)
Greens: 1 (2)

Fruit: 1 (1)
Citrus: 1 (1)
Probiotic Foods: 3 (4) 

I definitely could have used another snack in there, and come to think of it I was pretty hungry by the time lunch came around. It is very rare for me to skip my morning snack!

One of my issues lately is nighttime hunger. It seems no matter what or how much I eat before bed, I'm still hungry either before I fall asleep, when I wake up in the night, or early in the morning. I'd love to get more sleep but I usually have to get up at eat sooner than I would like. 

Does anyone have any suggestions for a bedtime snack that might keep me going until morning? (Perhaps this baby is getting started early on needing to eat throughout the night...)

If you're pregnant, I hope you're feeling well and eating well, and taking good care of yourself and that beautiful baby growing inside you! Pregnancy can be a trying time, for sure, but it is also miraculous and beautiful. To quote my midwife, Gestate happily!


  1. Maybe some midnight almonds or other nut?

  2. Maybe some midnight almonds or other nut?

  3. I would eat the coconut-carob bites to help with stabilizing my blood sugar, but I bet you could also mix in carob powder with yogurt and a little honey too.

    Otherwise, I just slept with crackers and cheese by the side of the bed for MONTHS. Seriously.

    keep growin' that sweet little baby well! :) We're eager to meet!

