

Pregancy Food Diary: Thirty-One Weeks

Here is my pregnancy food diary for Friday, March 9:

Snack: Apple Flax Muffin with butter
Breakfast: two scrambled eggs topped with cheese, cooked in coconut oil. Sauteed potato, carrot, spinach, mushroom, green onion, and garlic cooked in bacon grease. (store bought) whole wheat toast with butter. Kombucha w/organic orange juice, pregnancy tea.
Lunch: leftover salsa chicken & black bean soup, salad with homemade greek dressing, olives, feta, and green onion, whole wheat toast with hummus, goat cheese, and sun dried tomatoes, pregnancy tea.
Snack: a bite of bean fudge, a Strawberry Orange Julius, an apple-flax muffin with butter
Dinner: Date @ Johnny Carinos - white Italian bread with olive oil; salad with house dressing, veggies, and cheese; whole wheat pasta with veggies, chicken, and creamy roasted red pepper sauce.
Dessert: Breyers chocolate ice cream with strawberries and bananas
3 AM snack: a couple bites of bean fudge

How did I do? (recommended amounts in parentheses)

Protein: 4ish (4)
Eggs: 2 (2)

Dairy: 3.5 (4) 
Butter: 3 (3)
Whole Grains: 3 (2)
Refined Grains: 1 (0)
Veggies: 4 (3-4)
Greens: 3 (2)

Fruit: 2.5 (1)
Citrus: 1 (1)
Probiotic Foods: 2 (4) 

I thought we ate pretty well at Johnny Carinos. We had a lovely date and I didn't feel gross afterwards like I often do after eating out. I don't worry about a little white bread here or there. :) We finished our date at home with some Breyer's ice cream. I love that it only has a few ingredients. Much less junky than most store-bought ice cream!

Unfortunately none of my whole grains were soaked or sprouted or soured. I've been very tired, my husband has been very busy, and I haven't been baking very much. I'm trying to get back into it this week - I have some sourdough cookies and biscuits (from the GNOWFGLINS sourdough e-book) souring right now, and plans to make granola bars from Healthy Snacks To-Go soon!

Three super snacks were consumed on this day: Apple-Flax Muffins, Silky Smooth Bean Fudge, and a Strawberry Orange Julius (recipe coming soon). They are the sort of thing that has been getting me through my extreme hunger!

Are you pregnant? What are you eating to nourish yourself and your baby? What are your biggest challenges?

This is part of Simple Lives Thursday.


  1. Hmmmm....granola from Healthy snacks to go is one of my favorite. We haven't made it in awhile, so it might have to go on next weeks food list.

  2. I have recently been having Alton Brown's Buff Smoothie as I am so thirsty. I'm a little behind you at week 28. Also I'm not eating ice-cream because what I can find at the grocery doesn't fit into my self-inflicted real food rules. The hard one is only no hormone dairy. The smoothie is curbing that craving.

    Also to keep my protein up (as I got scolded by my midwife for not eating enough) I have found string cheese and apple or organic cottage cheese and oranges to be my main snacks. I also reacently discovered that ranch dressing can be made with yogurt, onions, garlic and dill. Very healthy and it really encourages fresh vegetable eating. I've also been told I should switch out some of my fruit for veggies. As you can see from my snack choices, I love fruit. :)

    I have yet to start the middle of the night snacking. When did that happen for you?

    1. I don't always have a middle of the night snack. Usually it's when my toddler wakes up in the night and needs help falling back to sleep. Then I've been awake for awhile and my body needs food.

      Good for you with the no hormone dairy! Most of ours fits that, but not the ice cream. And it's just an occasional treat.

      Cottage cheese is a great high protein snack. I often just dip a big spoon into the container get one big mouthful It's enough to keep me going while I prepare breakfast or lunch.

      Hope you have a great rest of your pregnancy!

  3. Joanna, what do you use in the Bean Fudge for sweetener? I have xylitol but don't like to use it often. I do have stevia, but I know I can't just use that. Would honey work?

    1. Joy, I'm pretty sure I used honey and it turned out great. Just start with less and taste to see if it's sweet enough.
