
Review and GIVEAWAY! Real {Fast} Food by Trina Holden

The number one concern I get from readers about trying to switch over to a Real Food lifestyle is "How will I have the time to do it all?"

It can't be denied that real food takes time. But I do believe that anyone can do it, given the right strategies and tools. No, not perfectly, but it's not about perfection.

Before I go any further, I have to tell you that I will never advertise products I do not believe in 100%. This blog is not about making money, it's about helping people learn how to feed their families well. If I make a little money by telling you about products that I really do believe will help you in that journey, awesome. Just in case you think my only goal is to sell you stuff. :)

The eBook Real {Fast} Food by Trina Holden entered my life at the perfect time. I have an almost three-year-old, a five-month-old who has been fussier than normal lately (and NOT napping), and a husband who is a full-time-student working multiple part-time jobs. I'm a stay-at-home mom who works very part-time teaching dance, is trying to make time to dance (because without dance I'm not me!), and you know, trying my hand at this whole real-food-blogging thing. I've got a lot goin' on!

I'm pretty sure you probably have as much going on as I do. Maybe you work full time. Maybe you are homeschooling your children. Maybe you are super involved in your church or sports or your community. But I'm pretty sure you're short on time, like me.

In this book, you will learn how to make Real Food fit into Real Life. Trina talks you through menu planning, grocery shopping less often, quick lunches, and preparing food in bulk. And she's included loads of family-tested recipes!

Did I mention the recipes?! Not only are they delicious, but once you try them, you get the real meaning of the title, "Real {Fast} Food." I've tried almost all of her breakfast recipes (I love breakfast foods!). Many of them are faster versions of favorites. Oven-baked pancake instead of standing forever over the griddle. Make-ahead egg casserole where you scramble the eggs first, so it doesn't take forever in the oven. Baked oatmeal that can be frozen and reheated for quick breakfasts later on.

Need some fast ideas for dinner? She has plenty of casseroles and meat dishes that only require a few minutes of hands on time. How about making a double batch of the best whole wheat pizza crust ever so you can just roll it out, top it, and bake it some night when you're in a hurry? And it really is the best whole wheat pizza crust I've ever made. After years of wishing for something better, I've finally found one that my husband and I both LOVE!

And really, that's my sentiment about all the recipes I've tried: "This is what I've been wishing for!"

Some of my favorite parts are the printables for meal planning and grocery shopping, the tips for combating "Kitchen Fatigue," and "How to Fire Your Microwave."

Want more details? Here is the table of contents:

All this for only $6! Want you own copy? Buy it here! It is available in PDF, Kindle, and Nook formats.

More good news: Trina is giving away a FREE copy of this book to one of you! Enter in the Rafflecopter widget below. There is one mandatory entry and several optional entries to increase your chances of winning! The giveaway ends October 24th at 12:01 AM EST. I will announce the winner on the blog on October 25th. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a free copy for review. I am an affiliate of Real {Fast} Food and will receive a percentage from any sales made through my links. But I'd tell you about it even if I wasn't making a dime!

This is part of: Real Food Wednesday, Whole Foods Wednesday, Healthy2Day Wednesday, Keep it Real Thursday


  1. Always looking for more fast recipes! =)

  2. Faster is definitely better!

  3. Would love to win to help make things a little speedier in the kitchen!

  4. The recipes, the tips, the printables, it all sounds like a great resource :)

  5. The term "kitchen fatigue" made me laugh. I know and dread that feeling so well!
    Thanks jo!

  6. I love real food and am always interested in making it faster!

  7. I do the cooking and meal planning for my family of 9, so I would love new, easy ideas!

  8. With multiple kids underfoot, fast is good.

  9. With four kids, 3 in school, I'm on the go a lot and would love to make even more REAL food recipes for them...fast!

  10. i like the idea of fast and firing my microwave.


  11. Recently I was saying to Dan that these three facets of food -- cost, time, and health -- feel like they're in conflict with one another, and I don't have the brainpower to solve it! I'd love another resource to help us.

  12. I'm always looking for new recipes and tips on cooking real food!

  13. I have 2 young boys and we are so busy between Karate, Easter Seals, homework, etc. I am riddled with guilt when I get the McDonalds "Fast Food" because I know my guys are starving and can't wait for me to cook when I get home. Your book sounds like the solution to my problems.

  14. We need to get out of the "what's for dinner" slump. Every night it is the same thing... Well this is easy but it isn't healthy, this one is healthy but won't be ready to 10pm.

  15. This sounds like the real food book I need! Working, having a family, and being a full time grad student makes eating real food a struggle!

  16. oh, Joanna--I loved your review! thanks for taking the time to try the recipes and sharing what you liked. It's always a blessing for me to hear that my book is helping someone! Cheers!

  17. Just had baby #4 and am having trouble getting good nutritious meals on the table that don't require much work! Would love to try this out!

  18. I'm a student who is literally doing everything possible to be healthy... time is the worst enemy! xD This would be a great help! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. Always looking for new ideas for my menu. Been doing real food for many years, but now that my kids are mostly grown (only 1 of 4 left at home), I'm not the at-home mom as much anymore--working part-time--and don't always have 2-3 hours to prepare dinner every night like when the kids were small.

  20. Would love to win this! I love cooking real food, but some days simply don't have the time/energy. This book would really help!

  21. Looks super fun! I love her recipes. :) And could really use something to combat the "kitchen fatigue" I've been getting with a toddler and baby in the house!
