

Meal Plan October 15-21: Recovery Mode

Fried Eggs with Vinegar & Garlic: An Immune-Boosting Start to Your Day!

We've had a rough couple of weeks in the Rodriguez home. Baby girl had not been sleeping well, so mommy wasn't sleeping well. There have been tears, meltdowns, and finally...sleep. Yes, friends, I think things are looking up! 

Amid all the chaos of last week, meal planning temporarily went out the window. So I'm ignoring my "themes" this week and just making what we have the ingredients for and what we missed last week. This weekend we'll be visiting family, which is why this week's plan is only through Friday. 

I've put raw & probiotic foods in bold again so you can see how I incorporate them...without going through the effort of making a salad!

(By the way, did you catch my post over at MAK last week called The Raw Food Myth? While the point was to express why I don't subscribe to a raw food diet, I did talk about the importance of enzymes. Check it out!)

Rodriguez Family Meal Plan October 15-21

Breakfast: Leftover oatmeal, butter, maple syrup, fresh fruit, raw milk
Lunch: Leftover Moroccan Lentil Soup with a dollop of plain, whole milk organic yogurt
Dinner: Meatloaf, roasted carrots, sauteed kale, sauerkraut, cherry lemon water kefir

Breakfast: Eggs fried in coconut oil, toast with butter, homemade chicken sausage (recipe coming soon!), pineapple kombucha
Lunch: Egg salad on bread or crackers (make extra for tomorrow's lunch) (made with plain yogurt and homemade mayo)
 Dinner: Leftovers meatloaf & veggies, cherry lemon water kefir

Breakfast: Yogurt, homemade soaked granola, hard boiled eggs
Lunch: Egg salad, strawberry lemonade kombucha, Bubbies pickles
Dinner: Pizza (crust from Real Fast Food) with sausage from our local butcher, mushrooms, olives, garlic, and onion (and cheese and sauce of course), cherry lemon water kefir

Breakfast: Baked oatmeal muffins from the freezer, raw milk
Lunch: Leftover pizza,  lemonade kombucha
Dinner: Butternut Squash Soup by the Soup Goddess (recipe coming soon!), sour cream, crusty sourdough bread

Friday [slow cooker]
Breakfast: Fried Eggs with Vinegar & Garlic, toast with butter, pineapple kombucha
Lunch: Clean out the fridge!
Dinner: at my in-laws!

Happy Meal Planning to you and may your homes be filled with peace!

**I'm sharing this at Menu Plan Monday and Meal Plan Link-Up @ Modern Alternative Kitchen! Check them out for some great meal planning resources!**

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