

Cranberry-Orange Ricotta Muffins - with Sprouted Flour!

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As is the case with many good things in life, this recipe came about because of a need to use something up. In truth, I don't even remember what I used the carton of ricotta for in the first place (I didn't make lasagna, although I did want to...), I just know that it has been in the fridge for a questionable amount of time and was threatening to be wasted.

Google search: "Ricotta Muffins." 

Lemon ricotta muffins? Strawberry ricotta muffins? Blueberry lemon ricotta muffins? Hmmm.

I'm thinking Cranberry Orange Ricotta Muffins. I know, I know, oranges are out of season. Let the locavores scold me, I have oranges in my house in September.

I took the recipe and tweaked it (as usual...), subbing unrefined sugar and sprouted flour. And I reduced the sugar because one cup sounded like a bit too much.

So here's what I came up with! They were delicious warm from the oven with a little butter melting on top, with a glass of raw milk.

Orange Zest-Infused Sucanat

Cranberry Orange Ricotta Muffins

1/2 c. sucanat
1 organic orange, zested and juiced (you will use 2 T. of the juice)
2 c. sprouted whole wheat flour
1 1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1/4 c. butter, softened
1 c. whole milk ricotta cheese
2 eggs
1/2 c. dried cranberries

  1. Mix together sucanat and orange zest in a small bowl. Let the flavor infuse for at least 15 minutes, or as long as overnight.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line a muffin pan with paper liners or grease with butter. (I learned this trick from my Grandma who lived through the depression: save butter wrappers and use them to grease your pans!)
  3. Whisk together flour, leavening, and salt in a medium bowl.
  4. Cream together butter and orange-infused sugar in a stand mixer. It won't get fluffy like white sugar, but mix very thoroughly.
  5. Beat in the ricotta, followed by the eggs and 2 T. orange juice. Mix thoroughly. scraping the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed.
  6. Add the dry ingredients and stir to combine. Do not over-mix. The batter will be quite thick, more like a biscuit or scone dough.
  7. Fold in the cranberries.
  8. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin pan.
  9. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes, until golden on top and firm to the touch.
  10. Let cool a few minutes in the pan before transferring to a cooling rack. Enjoy warm with butter on top.

If you try this recipe, I'd love to know what you thought! Do you have any tips for using up leftover ricotta?

This is part of: Fight Back Friday, Foodie Friday, More the Merrier Monday, Motivate Me Monday, Tiny Tip Tuesday, Slightly Indulgent Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Hearth and Soul, Natural Living Monday


  1. Sound interesting. I'm in S. California, so oranges are not out of season, we actually can't eat them quick enough (our CSA provides a lot). Two questions, I don't bake with sucanat, how do you think honey or 100% maple syrup would fare? Also, I have some cottage cheese that needs using up (the husband didn't like it) do you think I could sub that for the ricotta?

    1. Oh good, glad they are in season by you! I guess I thought winter was the season for oranges but what do I know! They don't grow in Michigan! :(

      I bet the cottage cheese would work if you blend it up first so it's more the consistency of ricotta. And I think a liquid sweetener would be fine. The batter was quite thick when I made them, so I don't think a little more liquid would hurt. Maybe increase the leavening just a smidge? Also honey and m.s. are sweeter so maybe decrease the amt. slightly.

  2. Well, I'm new to CA (grew up in the midwest) and apparently one particular orange is in season through the summer, fall, and early winter and another comes into season around march. Who knew! :)
    I will have to try this recipe. I have family coming to visit so I'll see how they like it too. Thanks for the tips.

    1. Interesting! hope it turns out well! I'd love your feedback. :)

  3. Your Cranberry-Orange Ricotta muffins sound delicious - and I love how healthy they are too! I've never used sprouted flour before but this is encouraging me to try it!

    1. Thanks April! It is a bit expensive, but I finally bit the bullet so I can make super healthy muffins at a moments notice without having to soak our sour them. If you try them, let me know what you think!

    2. Where can you buy sprouted flour? What brand? Or do you buy the berry, sprout that, dry it....etc/

    3. Jane, I've bought it at my local health food store, the brand is Arrowhead Mills. To Your Health is a good brand ( if you want to order online. It's very expensive so I only use it once in awhile in recipes that wouldn't work well soaked.

      I haven't ever made my own, but now that I have a Vitamix that can grind grain, I'm going to give it a try!

  4. The crisp autumn air is calling me to make muffins -- these look good. I like that you've used sprouted wheat flour too, I've had great results with it in quick breads like this. Thanks for sharing on Hearth & Soul Hop. :)

  5. This sounds great! Thanks so much for sharing on Natural Living Monday! I can't wait to see what you have to share this week!
