

Lazy Freezing Techniques at Modern Alternative Kitchen

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Today I'm over at Modern Alternative Kitchen talking about how to freeze food with minimal effort. I don't know about you, but I have enough going on in my kitchen and the rest of my life without adding the stress of preserving fresh seasonal produce. So I've found a few shortcuts! Here's an excerpt; be sure to hop on over to Modern Alternative Kitchen to read the rest!

I’m not suggesting that you’re lazy. Or that I’m lazy. But with everything you and I have to do every day, it’s nice to have the luxury of being lazy for once.
If you would like to preserve the fresh bounty from your garden, farmer's market, or CSA share, but don’t want to add any more items to your to-do list, here are some vegetables and fruits you can freeze with minimal (if any) preparation. No blanching or freezing on cookies sheets here! Some of them don't even involve chopping!
I hope these tips will help you make time in your life for other important things, like cooking dinner or taking a shower.

Read the rest here... Lazy Freezing Techniques

This is part of the seasonal recipe round up for berries at Gnowfglins, and Fight Back Friday.

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