

Pregnancy Food Diary: Twenty One Weeks

Welcome to the first installment of my Pregnancy Food Diary! Every Monday, I'm going to tell you what I ate one day the the previous week. I'm intentionally not choosing my best day to share with you. This day wasn't terrible, but it wasn't ideal either. I'm a real person, too!

Wednesday, January 4 

Breakfast: French Toast Frittata, Yerba Chai with raw milk
Lunch: Pinto beans, quesadilla (cheese on a whole wheat tortilla), guacamole, organic blue corn chips, salsa, kombucha
Dinner: Beef stew, whole grain bread with butter
Dinner #2: Brown rice pasta with cream sauce and broccoli
Snack: Homemade yogurt with homemade peach jam, sprouted toast with almond butter

(I ate my first dinner at 4:45 before going to teach, and my second dinner after I got home at 7:30. I was still quite hungry afterwards, so I had a couple snacks before bed.)

Servings (with recommended amt. in parenthesis):

Protein: 4 (4)
Eggs: 1.5 (2)
Dairy: 2.5 (4) 
Butter: 2 (3)
Grains: 4 (2)
Veggies: 2(3-4)
Greens: 0 (2)
Fruit: 0.5 (1)
Citrus: 0 (1) 
And I'm adding an additional category: 

Truthfully, I didn't feel too great on this day. I slept in til 9:30, had a headache, and didn't get anything done all morning. The day did get progressively better, though. I attribute it to two things: first, I've been having half-caff coffee most mornings, but I didn't on Wednesday. Second, I didn't get quite enough protein early in the day. I'm still working on figuring out what my body needs. I've been working on doing a few things each day to increase my chances of feeling better.

Wellness Goals

1) Get to bed earlier.
Caedmon hasn't been sleeping very well. Thankfully daddy has been doing most of the nighttime duty these days because he has a lighter schedule for a couple weeks. But nights have not been very restful around here. We're working on getting Caedmon to bed earlier, and I'm working on getting myself to bed earlier too. I'm hoping that will help Caedmon and I rise at a more decent hour.

2) Take supplements throughout the day.
I often forget to take my vitamins until bedtime. Better than not at all, but I know it would be better for me if I took them throughout the day. My prenatal vitamins require three a day, which makes it easy to take one per meal, if I remember. I'm also taking three cod liver oil capsules per day (I know I could take more than this, but it is expensive!), so on a good day I take one per meal of those, too. My iron supplement is two times per day, ideally 30 minutes before a meal. I'm aiming to take that while I cook breakfast and again while I cook dinner.

3) Drink pregnancy tea.
I have a homemade pregnancy tea that I've been drinking sporadically (I'll post the recipe soon). Now that I'm over halfway to my due date, I'm going to try to get more serious about this. It is high in minerals, it helps tone the uterus for labor, and I always feel better when I drink it.

4) Make (almost) all grains soaked, sprouted, or soured.
The holidays and pregnancy fatigue have gotten me out of the habit of baking my own bread. Most of the time we eat sourdough or sprouted bread from Trader Joes, but not always. I also haven't been soaking things like rice or oatmeal 100% of the time. I'm pretty relaxed about it, but I know eating my whole grains properly prepared means more nutrients for my baby and myself.

5) Eat those greens!
This is the hardest category for me to keep up with, probably because it takes a little bit of extra work. I do best when I eat some cooked greens in the morning and then a salad with lunch or dinner. A couple days ago I washed and cut up a bunch of Swiss chard so I could saute it easily in the morning.  Throwing some frozen spinach into eggs or soup is also an easy option.

I'll be sure to let you know how I'm doing!

This is part of Monday Mania.

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